
Busy weeks

The last week or two has been pretty busy it seems, but fun stuff mostly. I did have my bridal portraits last Saturday... even though it was a little chilly, I'm thankful that it was the one sunny weekend sandwiched between two completely rainy ones!

The photographers thought it would be cool to do an "architectural" look, so we went downtown and took them at various spots. It was really fun to get my hair done (Hillary's girl Kathy did an amazing job!), makeup (Wade's sister Whitney also did an amazing job!), put on the dress and shoes and jewelry, and get to be a semi-model for a few hours :). We took some on the steps of an old church, some along Tryon Street with the beautiful cherry blossom trees in bloom, some on this old turquoise couch they brought with them and staged at a couple locations... I can't wait to see them, although it may be another week or two before they're ready. I'm trying to forget about them in the meantime so the time will go faster!

Last week I also met with the wedding coordinator at Church at Charlotte for a little bit to ask some questions and look at the sanctuary. It was good to have a little communication with them and be assured that they really do have our wedding on their calendar!

This past weekend (in the pouring rain) my roommate moved out and into her new condo that she bought! She's been a great roommate for 2 years, and I'm excited for her taking the step of buying her own place. It was so weird how quickly the house began to feel more like "our" house (Wade's & mine) without Jocelyn there. Wade and I moved some furniture around (read: out of my room) to give us some more space. The house feels SO big now! There's, like, actual floor space in my room. Where you can walk. Or sit. Or do handstands. Or have a picnic. The possibilities are endless.

We claimed/inherited my grandfather's desk and it was moved in to the guest room yesterday. It's a big, substantial desk, and it looks really good in there. Wade is so excited because he's claiming basically that whole room for himself :). His knees can actually fit under the desk, and he can look out the windows while he sits there. He says he's going to use that bathroom when we're married too because his knees won't hit the tub while sitting on the toilet (master bathroom = tee-tiny), and he'll probably use the closets in there as well.

At some point in the coming month I'm going to turn him loose on painting a bunch of stuff - starting with both upstairs bathrooms and their peeling ceilings. Then we'll probably paint some furniture, and possibly our bedroom.

The time is going to pass so quickly (as I think about all the things I need to do). There are just 3 "open" weekends, then I have showers 2 weekends in a row (can't wait!), and then there are just 3 more weekends before the big day! That's so crazy to me. Everybody keeps asking me if I've got all the planning done, and the answer is no. There are so many little details still to do. It will help now that RSVPs are coming in, so I can start to do the things that depend on numbers and names.

And tomorrow, I will officially be able to say "I'm getting married next month!" :)

1 comment:

Shaynah Jerrell said...

yay! i just got your invitation in the main today (for the wedding & the shower) i cant wait :)