
Bar... Meet Girl Scouts

A funny thing happened to me at work today (ha, I always wanted to say that line :))...

We had our annual Women of Distinction luncheon for the Girl Scouts today at the Westin hotel downtown.  It all went fine, whatever, and then after we had cleaned stuff up and were close to leaving, the next event was setting up in our space and I hear this voice ask me, "Are you here for swearing in?"

I turned around and said no, but as I did I saw that the lady's nametag said Mecklenburg County Bar on it, and I said "Oh my gosh, Mecklenburg County Bar - I used to work there!"  She was a little surprised, but I recognized her as the woman who took my old boss's job after I left and my old boss left.  (For anyone who doesn't know, the Bar was where I worked for 6 months after I graduated, and I left there to work at the Girl Scouts.)

The lady said that the other staff were there too, because it turns out they were having the spring swearing-in ceremony right there at the Westin in the afternoon!  (When I was there I helped plan the fall swearing-in ceremony.)

So I ran over and said hi to Lisa, Jill and Jen - three of my former co-workers (about the only 3 that are still there!) and talked to them for a bit.  They crack me up.  They're just funny characters who roll their eyes at the Bar, but they stay working there anyway because that's just the way things are.  I got to show them some of my handiwork because we had some of the event programs and our annual reports that I designed there with us.

It was just so random and fun to run into MCB people at a Girl Scout event :).

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