
A Night at the Tapps'

Last night I decided to photographically document our thrilling, exciting activities at the Tapps'...

Wade sick with something like the flu :( - he'd been on the couch pretty much for 2 days at this point - getting really tired of watching basketball (!) and not being able to eat...

Me slightly sick with nasal congestion / runny nose, trying to help Wade feel better without getting his illness myself.

Mr. Tapp working on his laptop from the chair in the den.

Mrs. Tapp in the kitchen making Christmas cookies.

Brinkley...um, just chillin'

Paisley passed out on the rug next to the Christmas tree and presents.  She loves this whole big family / warm house thing being over there!

We sure were a bunch of sad sacks!  Hopefully things will get more festive and healthy by Christmas :).

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