
Not-So-Frequently Asked Questions

From one of those email forwards that you're supposed to send to all of your friends. I figured I'd just post the answers here :).

Were you named after anyone? My first name, Kimberly, is from a girl my mom used to babysit. My middle name, Dale, is from my mom’s best friend at the time.

When was the last time you cried? A few nights ago.

Do you like your handwriting? On paper, when it’s small, yes. On a big board like a dry erase board or chalkboard, not as much.

What is your favorite lunch meat? Turkey

Do you use sarcasm a lot? I tend to – trying to use it less.

Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.

Would you bungee jump? No. I did go on one of those things where you drop from a huge tower and you swing back and forth like a pendulum when I was 12.

What’s your favorite cereal? It WAS Weight Watchers Flakes & Fiber cereal mixed with Grape Nuts, until they stopped putting the cinnamon flavor in the Flakes & Fiber. Now, I’m in the market for a new fave.

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? If they are the type that tie, yes.

Do you think you are strong? In a few ways.

What is your favorite ice cream? Ooohh…that’s so hard. Either mint chocolate chip or something toffee and chocolate.

What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Feeling apathetic

Who do you miss the most? Wade

What color pants & shoes are you wearing? Brown pants, brown boots

What was the last thing you ate? Turkey, provolone and tomato on whole wheat bread – warmed in the oven

What are you listening to right now? The quiet clicky sounds of the office

Favorite smells? Fresh bread, lavender

Who did you last talk to on the phone? Wade

Favorite sports to watch? Tennis, college basketball & football

Eye color? Greenish/blue/hazel – depends on what I’m wearing

Favorite food? Mom’s chicken pot pie

Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings

Last movie you watched? 27 Dresses last weekend

Summer or winter? Summer, by far

Hugs or kisses? Hugs

Favorite dessert? Yes.

What book are you reading now? I wish I were reading something.

What is on your mouse pad? A coffee cup and the words “Le CafĂ©”

What did you watch on TV last night? A show on TLC about the world’s smallest mother

Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles

What is the farthest you have been from home? Argentina I think…that’s farther than London, right?

Do you have a special talent? Saying the alphabet backwards

1 comment:

Libba Lemon said...

I think it's hilarious that your longest answer is the cereal one. (It's complicated, I know.)

I also love your dessert answer.

Do the new photo meme I just did the other day. It's a fun one!