
Go Heels! Beat Dook!

Tonight, at 9 pm EST, Carolina plays Dook in our last regular season game. I am watching it with fellow UNC alums in Columbia, SC (while visiting Susie & Jess). In honor of this momentous occasion, today's list is...

8 Reasons I Love Carolina
(1) Carolina blue is so much prettier than Duke blue
(2) It's home to the UNC Clefhangers
(3) It’s GORGEOUS in the spring
(4) I spent the best four years of my life there
(5) The Yogurt Pump
(6) It's an amazing education for an amazingly low price
(7) All the exercise you get walking everywhere
(8) The traditions and school pride that connect every UNC alum forever


Sciencetapp said...

I got booed today randomly by a family in Wal-mart because I was wearing a Duke hoodie, they were UNC fans I'm pretty sure. You guys would probably get along great.

Kim Tapp said...

i'm sorry baby... although i can't swear that on game day, in a pumped-up mood, i wouldn't have done the same thing, if i didn't know the person was as wonderful as you :).